Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Global Warming Initiative

So contrary to popular belief of large industry and some politicians, global warming is happening. I say SWEET! Bring it on. Price and Rind (1994a) showed that with each 1 degree C global temperature increase, there is a 5-6% increase in the incidence of lightning. So... I say, go buy a McDonald hamburger of fantastic Brazilian beef, arguably one of the leading causes of Global Warming. I just did, it was absolutely disgusting, but I feel that I have at least cut down one rainforest tree, so I am doing my part. Drive you car emitting as much CO2 as possible, buy unrecyled paper, go outside and empty an entire aerosol can (look for a no CFCs label, if its there, don't buy it!) 60 degrees in January with thunderstorms, sounds lovely. Loose Florida, let it wash away. More hurricanes Ohio yeah. The planet will go extinct, but we know how to engineer, well get over it. The human race is relatively resilient. We can just go find a new planet. So support global warming! It will make the human species the best on the planet!


Blogger Eric Oij said...

Mcdonalds sucks! I now remember why I don't eat it.

12:37 PM  

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