Saturday, December 16, 2006

my uncle is a laser physicist who repeatedly forgot to send me his extra copy of "communist manifesto" throughout my jr. high years.

(most likely at the request of my parents).its probably a good thing... fuck, the damage i could have caused with all that rhetoric which would have almost certainly been applied to connecting punk rock lyrics like constellations.

not until your 12 son.
aw... a handgun. i wanted politics.

"It is the specific virtue of both art and pure maths to be perfectly useless."(Trevor Pateman. "Formalism: Clive Bell and Viktor Shklovsky")

of course there is no such thing as the singular... there are always two autonomous parts and the whole that they make.

i would argue that, as much as it is incumbent upon art and pure math to have the purpose of having no purpose... the purpose of having no purpose dictates function to the artist, to the viewer and to the critic, validating the efforts and actions of all involved and creating a use value.

someone please break this argument apart.


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