Wednesday, October 04, 2006

notes and a conversation... keepm guessin.

today i vomited at school, then passed out in common space in the basement of 600 michigan. i woke up to two guys intalling a tv directly above my head... went to class... justified my existance... crit banter... etc.

this is from my note book from the last 2 or 3 days.

"reveals aspects of...
1)how i would like to be seen
2)how the photographer sees me
3)as a charactor

how i would like to be seen...
-a cut above
while my teamates spend thier evenings sniffing coke off of eachothers flexing yet atrophied stomaches (egos), i can always be found in my study sweating out another dream based on a true story. as the line blurs between self perception and the reality of ones self (crossed out) it becomes easier to love and be loved. it is also the definitve picture of a real live pshychopath. and... you know you hate yourself today, just like yesterday.
this is studio photography.

reasons why my new favorite flavors are...
2)old person

so this guy didnt under stand my backpack. i explained that it was a sort of hybrid. like a half man half reptile. he asked if i like the reptile part or the man part more, to which i replied..."in the context of the swirl they are not mutually exlusive. i like the swirl more than i like either man or lizard. when you get a swirl, do you get it because you like vannilla more than chocolate? no. it is because you like the swirl."
he stated that he liked chocolate more than vanilla so he never, in fact, orders the swirl... he trailed off, the group of students and faculty that had crowded around noted the thoughtfull pause, and then..."ohhhh..."


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