Thursday, November 16, 2006

we danced our selves out of the womb.

as a published response to a private post by patrick... and another open letter to all who post here.

i would like to prelude this with the the statement that i am conscious of the fact that the post "this is all happening so fast (nov 13, ciardhq)" was the catalyst for the most recent collective tangent that we are taking.

that having been said... i am not sorry for my words or anyone elses which have made thier way into this dialogue... nor should anyone else be.

the post was an open letter to no one in particular, or anyone who would listen to another art and text rant about life, just life. (while some of you took this to mean one thing... which i will not harp on... another friend of mine, otherwise unrelated to the institute took this to mean that i had a new love interest myself. always say what you mean, but whenever possible think before you speak.)

the danger, as i see it, is letting one (exceptionally ambiguous) issue/ post take over the conversation, especially on such a volatile issue which could very easily become degrative to our personal relationships and interaction, and especially in specific implications of individuals relating to previous posts which (believe it or not) may or may not be addressing said individuals in specific.

CIARD hq was originally in reference to the CIARD Lexington ave dorms. it was to be a conduit between chicago and Ireland... the intended members to be geoffrey, patrick and charlie (sub-lesee and comrade).

i saw in this blog the opportunity to share ideas between a larger group of close friends, colleagues, artists musicians etc. without being precious or self conscious as to what we posted. i sent out invitations to the usual round up and we were off (zoom) in september/ early october. suffice to say, we have gotten grossly off topic several times to date, but will inevitably always come back around to our collective vision(s).

today i believe CIARD hq is meant to be a dialogue carrying out what i see as one of the fundemental aspects of our workflow and unofficial missions... "everything we do is art". to break down our own realities, deconstruct if you will, to the point that we can relate it to our lives and work... in both a pragmatic and more etheral sense.

the blog is about our lives as much as the work of the institute... because eventually the events unfolding in our lives will become the work of the institute (as a general rule, through incorporation not conformation).

i really want people to do what they want, without taking into account what anyone else thinks... the assumption being that the ideas wrapped into "do what you want, or do what i tell you" and "everything we do is art" come along with the realization that we all should be living consciously, justifying our otherwise arbitrary actions or reflections through either the ends, the means or some combination thereof. art about nothing is nothing.

as far as i know (and i could be completely off base with this) i am the only one who has the power to edit this blog... which i havn't... in spite of my personal taste as to what is relevant or not. comments are a different story

anonymous posting is ok. i set the blog up to allow anyone to post (comments), whether or not they have a blogger account. deleted posts and comments are less ok. we are all friends here and you will be forgiven for whatever you were feeling at the time.


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