Thursday, November 16, 2006

always trying to flesh out exactly what we do.

this is the second to last paragraph in a short piece about "concrete warriors" in relation to ciard. The paper is only a month old, there are piles and piles of this kind of material dating back a few years now. This passage is some kind of explaination of what we do.

-The group is a serious and prolific fake organization which releases a barrage of media through the Internet and at live gatherings. Currently there are six to ten active participants in the endeavor, ranging from artists to writers to musicians, we shed medium and then talk ourselves back into the clothing. I have written far more about CIARD than anything else in the last few years. Its dense and not the point of this particular piece but to sum it up, the creative mind will always be the clandestine incumbent within any social ordering.

the paper was signed...

-Geoffrey Carr
president/cofounder CIARD.


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