Friday, September 29, 2006

transmit dublin to chicago pre brussels to chicago pre luxembourg to chicago

Beamish, Kilkenny, Galway Hooker, Gatsby Hats, Post 911 American Gallery System v.s. kunsthall models of art making, goth metal club dance, will you help a friend for me?, my asshole bleeds, now more than ever, due to hostel toilet paper (hostile toilet paper), national museums of art and a national museum, (bogmans), jason burger quotes, 20 mins when it's busy, geekout. cab in less then an hour to airport. geekout.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

so ive been trying to remember...

the other part of the (upsidown)? por favorkian? note... benni ha ha. i'll scan it soon.
who wants to do compare your notes twenty oh seven? gonna be sick. ummmm. the link on your right is an old old version thats left on the server at school due to my failed payment at our server store. had you seen the real while it was up you would probebly see some differences... if that were the case.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

destruction party report.

mission accomplished! the house was totally destroyed... or that was the look of it by the time i left last night...

the party was rocked by the puppies, sass dragons, and last but not least (no shit... at the destruction party) parts of pieces of people. some of the highlights of the evening included... watching shit get thrown out of second story windows before i even got inside, getting hit in the kneecap with a baseball bat, watching many people bleed, not seeing the cops (or sheriff as the case may be) at all.

walls were taken out for fun, with the added benifit of opening up a lot of space on the ground level. this created a light airy feeling...ha. we were all filthy before we left. dallas and kate might have fucked on the dance floor... or they could have just been kissing with a renewed vigor for life... standing up no less.

there was a girl who looked something like an off duty pornstar who started the popop set grinding on me as i tryed to sing, play guitar and not blush. by the end of the set, someone had tackled her on top of my shoes and they also kissed with a renewed vigor for berserker... so i put my foot up on them and kept playing like an over achieving big game hunter... i thought it was a dude and the porn girl... but it turns out it was two girls... while i had my leg up on them and was playing, i could feel them grabbing my pants and trying to pull me down with them... fucking filthy down there... not a chance. while most of this was going on we were playing a song called feeble falcon... at the end i sang part of it again... just for those girls and that party....

"the mongeese are french kissing in the corner while king and queen cobra were making love in the babies crib while that child watches. (theres pillowey silt on the fossile bed... were bare naked sharing soft and slippery pieces of skin that rub up in between us.)

when i typed in popop in the title space just now, a cookie (or something) finnished my thought... for once, none of this statement applies.

popop acts like a bunch of assholes... geoff shoulders the blame.

in other news: the morning of destruction party charlie went downstairs (at the ciard dorms) to find his car had been broken into. i dont know many details yet, but his window was broken and nothing was stolen. vaguely remeniscant of october of last year when someone threw a cinder block through my window down there. they also stole nothing, but bled all over the car. the west side of chicago!

Friday, September 22, 2006


This tweed was woven from pure new wool in county Donegal, Ireland.
The fabric has the colours and character of our countryside.
Rugedness to wear well.
Softness for comfort.
Joy and health to you who wear this.


images of flora and fauna and local encampments to be uploaded in the near future

Thursday, September 21, 2006


um... no time to find a place to put these right now... soon.
soundlab 1 has been recovered. i have heard them...

this image is meah wearing hats and demoing assfullasciencesuit. early summer '06.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

To those who love:

CIARD Temporary HQ and Scout Post; Burren Outpost: currently initialized:
Mail to:
CIARD (Patrick Rios)
Newtown Castle
Co. Clare

Send Money in €

I have the key to the castle.

Monday, September 18, 2006

featured soundlab

i guess while i get it together with the server (or not), i should try and stay busy (or something). here is a soundlab feature that i'm going to change on a fairly regular basis because i only get 5 mb for free... my motto has always been... its fun to do shitty things.

soundlab today and maybe tomarrow unless its yesterday already.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

slow approach

andy took this shot of a low flying mushroom bloom over his front yard. we watched it for two or three days... then it went away.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

CIARD HQ. michigan franchise.

lots of good pics from meah recording... we moved so much shit up there... and sorta just set up camp. i wouldnt know where to begin in the way of an explaination of why this picture is soooooo good (even better if you know us). dinosaurs, oij's drunk ass crack and kellys glam shot. go

violence erupts daily

in this dramatic scene, researcher eric oij sidesteps a flying kick by damage. this photo was taken in august of '06.

Thursday, September 14, 2006



you know new computers

roids and reefer